RIP 3D Televisions; Virtual Reality and 360-video could be the next big things in televisions - chaprama | Insights from the world of Technology and Lifestyle


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

RIP 3D Televisions; Virtual Reality and 360-video could be the next big things in televisions

In 2010, Sony Australia's Paul Colley predicted that by 2014, a large percentage of Australians would have 3D televisions. In the same year, another pundit Simon Murray predicted that the sale of 3D TV would increase to a large extent in the years to come.

Some others are forecasting the death of 3D TVs and this year, the television majors Sony and LG hinted that they are no longer produce 3D TVs.

RIP 3D Televsions; Virtual Reality and 360-video could be the next big things in televison

LG director, Tim Alessi said that people didn't make 3D capability a selection criterion while buying a television. 

Sales of 3D TVs have been declining since recent years. According to data from NPD, In 2013, 3D TVs in the United States accounted for 23% of TV purchases, which dropped to just 8% in 2016.

This is also evident in the e-commerce websites. two years ago, 50% of the TVs displayed in the website are 3D capable. But now, the percentage reduced to 12 this year.

Rise and Fall of 3D Films:

3D has had a long successful history in the world cinema. The first immense 3D film period was during the 1950s when television was slowly being introduced to many countries around the world and the most recent phase of 3D films appeared in 2009, a trend that some attribute solely to the release of James Cameron’s science-fiction film Avatar. 

With the huge success of Avatar, many followed the suit to produce many such films. This trend in Hollywood created some argument.

Despite the success of some 3D films, even James Cameron has argued that Hollywood has overutilized 3D technology in filmmaking. It has been criticized as little more as a gimmick and a money-making exercise, as usually, 3D tickets are more expensive than those for 2D tickets.

This period of 3D cinema is also the falling period of the same as the percentage of 3D films made and released slowly declined.

So, now a question arises in our mind, will 3D really exist in future?

Could VR and 360-video be the next big thing after 3D?

After the era of 3D, now the most discussed in media production is Virtual Reality and 360-Video.

The documentary maker  Sir David Attenborough created a virtual reality experience movie and showcased it at the Australian Museum in Sydney last year and at the National Museum of Australia this month in Canberra.

But, the virtual reality experience by wearing a headset cannot be considered the best use in cinema space.

This is where televisions can utilize giving the virtual reality experience as an additional feature instead of a competitive feature.

A key benefit of virtual reality experience is that it does not require you to buy a new TV. Instead, you can use a smartphone, which many people have already.

2017 would be marked as the year of rise of virtual reality on television thus changing the TV viewing experience.


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