OnePlus 5 rumored to be launched on June 20; "Save the Date" says Leaked image - chaprama | Insights from the world of Technology and Lifestyle


Monday, June 5, 2017

OnePlus 5 rumored to be launched on June 20; "Save the Date" says Leaked image

OnePlus 5 has been in the news for quite some time now. The purported specifications of the flagship device are constantly surfacing in the form of various leaks. Today a new leaked image surfaced that indicates one Plus 5 will be launching on June 20. The image corresponds to a calendar with the date June 20 being circled and text message is written below it that says "Save the Date". There is also One plus Logo clearly visible below the image.

However, this is not the first leaked instance about the probable launch date of One plus 5. Earlier a leaked poster indicated June 15 to be the launch date of One Plus 5. In line with the leaked poster later a leaked internal mail surfaced that further confirmed the launch date to be June 15. However, there has been no official confirmation from the company with regard to the official launch date of OnePlus 5. Concurrent rumors surfaced later that hinted June 21 or June 22 and also June 28 or June 29 as the launch date of One Plus 5.

It is highly speculated that the company will release teaser roughly one or two weeks before the official launch. So if the current rumor turns out to be true, the launch teaser may be expected to be unveiled with in a week or two. If you look at the specifications of One plus 5 the device is said to sports 5.5-inch full HD display. The build of the phone is expected to be thinner and smaller compared to its predecessor i.e One Plus 3T. One Plus 5 is said to be powered by Snapdragon 835 processor with 6GB or 8GB RAM.  

Coming to the camera One Plus 5 is highly touted to feature dual rear cameras. Apart from the dual cameras alleged camera samples of One Plus, 5 suggests the device sports monochrome dual camera sensor. Apart from the above-mentioned features, there are no clear-cut details about the possible specifications and design of One Plus 5. Keep visiting and we will let you updated once the details are out.

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