Scientists Discover Plants Have Brains That Determine When To Grow And When To Remain Dormant - chaprama | Insights from the world of Technology and Lifestyle


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Scientists Discover Plants Have Brains That Determine When To Grow And When To Remain Dormant

Plants have a long lineage than most of the living creatures on the earth. But, Sharks evolved much earlier than the plants. Plants also share some special things which other creatures do not share.The evolution of the plants did not happen in a short span; Land plants had evolved 450 million years ago, Flowers appeared in Cretaceous period and grasses started sprouting some 40 million years ago. Such a long journey the plants had undergone until now.

Scientists Discover Plants Have Brains That Determine When To Grow And When To Remain Dormant

Despite all these facts, there is one big and uncleared doubt circulating our minds is that do plants have a brain like us to determine and send commands to trigger major processes? The answer to this question has finally arrived from the researchers from the University of Birmingham who says that plants too have a brain which acts as the command center. This brain is totally different from what we have in our head. 

In plants, a series or mass of cells act as the command center and is found to make some key decisions that can trigger germination and some key events regarding the plant life cycle. 

According to the writing published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers located these important cells in Arabidopsis (thale cress). The command cells have two types of cells - One type encourages the cells to remain dormant and the other initiate the germination. These cells also assess the outside environment conditions and determine whether to germinate or remain dormant and germination solely occurs when a consensus has been reached at.

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