There were a lot of speculations about LG when it skipped the recent Mobile World Congres to launch its flagship phone. But now the leaks and rumours of LG G7 are starting to heat up the flagship market. The 360-render of the LG G7 released recently shows how LG is taking the leaf out Apple's book by including a notch in the top of the screen. Introducing the notch on the display allows more screen space. The notch will fit a proximity sensor, camera, and an earpiece. Unlike the LG G6, the power button is present on right side of the phone.
It's not only LG that is introducing the notch through G7, but also other phones like OnePlus 6 and Asus Zenfone are also set to include this feature. Google also announced that the upcoming Android P will add support to the screen cutouts, which will aid app development easy for these devices. With this, iPhone X is proving to be highly influential with regards to the screen design.
LG G7 is expected to ship with a Snapdragon 845 processor, 4GB/6GB of RAM and 64GB/128GB of internal memory. With a 6-inch IPS LCD display, the screen is expected to sport an aspect ratio of 19:9. On the camera department, the phone will feature a dual camera with a wide-angle lens. A fingerprint scanner, a USB-C charging port will also be seen on the phone.
It's not only LG that is introducing the notch through G7, but also other phones like OnePlus 6 and Asus Zenfone are also set to include this feature. Google also announced that the upcoming Android P will add support to the screen cutouts, which will aid app development easy for these devices. With this, iPhone X is proving to be highly influential with regards to the screen design.
Also read: LG will pivot back to LCD screens for the upcoming G7 smartphone to cut down the manufacturing costs: Report
LG G7 is expected to ship with a Snapdragon 845 processor, 4GB/6GB of RAM and 64GB/128GB of internal memory. With a 6-inch IPS LCD display, the screen is expected to sport an aspect ratio of 19:9. On the camera department, the phone will feature a dual camera with a wide-angle lens. A fingerprint scanner, a USB-C charging port will also be seen on the phone.
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