Idea Cellular, the telecom arm of Aditya Birla Group has launched the VoLTE services to the general public starting from May 2nd. The VoLTE service initially is available in 6 telecom circles that include in Maharashtra & Goa, Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana and Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh. For the other circles, the service would be available in a couple of months, said Sashi Shankar, Chief Marketing Officer of Idea Cellular.
As a promotional offer, Idea is offering 10GB of 4G data for the customers who make their first VoLTE call on Idea mobile. The data would be credited to the users within 48 hours of recharge.
Honor 5C
Honor 7X
Honor View10
Honor 9 lite
Honor 9i
In next couple of weeks, these smartphones would receive an OTA update for Idea VoLTE support.
1) Xiaomi Redmi 4,
2) Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro, Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A7
3) OnePlus 5 & 5T,
4) Nokia 3 & Nokia 5
5) Vivo V7 Plus
Reliance Jio had launched India's first VoLTE service in 2016 followed by Airtel and Vodafone. BSNL, the state-owned telecom operator is gearing up for VoLTE later this financial year to catch up the private operators.
As a promotional offer, Idea is offering 10GB of 4G data for the customers who make their first VoLTE call on Idea mobile. The data would be credited to the users within 48 hours of recharge.
List of Idea VoLTE supported devices:
Honor 6XHonor 5C
Honor 7X
Honor View10
Honor 9 lite
Honor 9i
In next couple of weeks, these smartphones would receive an OTA update for Idea VoLTE support.
1) Xiaomi Redmi 4,
2) Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro, Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A7
3) OnePlus 5 & 5T,
4) Nokia 3 & Nokia 5
5) Vivo V7 Plus
How to activate Idea VoLTE on your mobile:
Activation Process
VoLTE feature shall be auto-activated for all eligible Idea subscribers. You can activate it by sending an SMS ‘ACT VOLTE’ to 12345- Pre Activation Requisite
- The handset should be among the compatible devices
- Handset software should be updated
- VoLTE Switch should be enabled on the device
- Must have Idea 4G SIM
Reliance Jio had launched India's first VoLTE service in 2016 followed by Airtel and Vodafone. BSNL, the state-owned telecom operator is gearing up for VoLTE later this financial year to catch up the private operators.
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