Male contraceptive, Vasalgel may offer promise in men for two years with 100% success rate and no side effects as tested in primates - chaprama | Insights from the world of Technology and Lifestyle


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Male contraceptive, Vasalgel may offer promise in men for two years with 100% success rate and no side effects as tested in primates

Even today there has not been a perfect birth control methods available for males and the only likely option is vasectomy or using Condoms. Now scientists have now found a male contraceptive gel dubbed vasalgel that worked well in trials carried on primates and could be a future prospect for birth control in humans.

Male contraceptive, Vasalgel may offer promise in men for two years with 100% success rate and no side effects as tested in primates

Although the research has been advancing at rapid pace, scientists have had a minimal success when it comes to male contraceptive procedures. One likely alternative to Vasectomy was male contraceptive harmonal jab reported by WHO (World health organisation), which was found to be equally effective to the female pill. However the usage is associated with side effects such as depression, acne and soaring libido that are linked to hormone-altering gels, pills and injections.

By unlike hormonal method, Vasalgel is reversible and also do not have any side effects and harmonal levels remain unchanged. Also unlike vasectomy the sperm will continue to be produced and rather than ejaculation will be observed in the body.

How does the Vasalgel male contraceptive works?

  • Vasdifferens is atube associated with the transport of sperm from testicles to urethra.
  • Vasogel injects the gel in to the vasdeferens and blocks it.
  • The sperm are too large to pass through the gel barrier and are reabsorbed in to the body
  • Unlike Vasectomy where vasdiferens is tied at both ends this is fairly simple and reversible.
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Research study

According to parsemus foundation, the manufacturer of vasalgel, they housed 16 male monkeys given vasogel injection and housed with between three and nine breeding females in social setting for two years. They monitored the monkeys for one breeding season and atleast half of the mokeys lived alongside female monkeys for two years. No conceptions have been observed (100% success rate) and the side effects such as inflammation are less. Parsemum foundation is non research organisation and plans to start Human trials after securing the funding from the donors .

The Research study was published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrology


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