Xiaomi is under fire with regard to the new device launches and delivering timely software updates to its smartphone users. With the launch of MIUI 9 last year, Xiaomi has brought a bunch of new features to the users. The important ones are Split Screen, new Notification Shade, new Mi Explorer, Calendar Cards, Mi Drop, App Vault, Mi Video app, and many interactive and fresh UI changes.
Despite rolling 2 updates after the MIUI 9 launch, it is a bit messy for the users to expand the notification shade with a two finger swipe down gesture. Xiaomi has now rolled out a new update dubbed MIUI 9.5 Stable ROM. This new update brings a new notification shade and quick reply to the devices running on Android 7.0 and above.
As of now, the update is rolling to Redmi Note 4 as stable build. The update will also accompany February security patch to the device along with the new ringtones, lock & unlock sounds, etc. Later, taking the feedback from the users, the update will be rolled out to all the Xiaomi devices.
If you cannot wait for the update to receive it to your mobile officially, you can download the Recovery ROM here.
Despite rolling 2 updates after the MIUI 9 launch, it is a bit messy for the users to expand the notification shade with a two finger swipe down gesture. Xiaomi has now rolled out a new update dubbed MIUI 9.5 Stable ROM. This new update brings a new notification shade and quick reply to the devices running on Android 7.0 and above.
As of now, the update is rolling to Redmi Note 4 as stable build. The update will also accompany February security patch to the device along with the new ringtones, lock & unlock sounds, etc. Later, taking the feedback from the users, the update will be rolled out to all the Xiaomi devices.
If you cannot wait for the update to receive it to your mobile officially, you can download the Recovery ROM here.
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