Comper's smart fertility device tracks ovulation cycles and tells women the optimal date to get pregnant - chaprama | Insights from the world of Technology and Lifestyle


Monday, February 6, 2017

Comper's smart fertility device tracks ovulation cycles and tells women the optimal date to get pregnant

Getting pregnant seems to be a challenge for couples these days.Many women calculate the ovulatory periods carefully in order to conceive but many a time their calculations turn out to be inaccurate. Comper Healthcare, smart medical devices maker in Beijing has developed a smart fertility tracker to help women get pregnant. The device measures the small changes in body temperature of women and accurately predicts the day of ovulation, which happens once in a month.

Comper's smart fertility device tracks ovulation cycles and tells women the optimal date to get pregnant

A woman releases 400 eggs in her lifetime. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 12.3% women in the united states(U.S) aged between 15 and 44 years suffer from impaired fecundity.The ratio is 10%  in china according to Chinese business network.

How does it work?

  • The fertility tracker is a combination of the thermometer and a smartphone app.
  • The device calculates the date of ovulation by combining measurement of body  temperature with an algorithmic system
  • A women's basal body temperature i.e temperature during rest rises slightly (0.2-0.5 degrees) during ovulation.
  • The thermometer detects this slightest variation of the body temperature,  sends the data to the app and the algorithm process the data and tells the user the date of ovulation.
  • The company claims the thermometer  measures with an accuracy of 0.01degree centigrade

According to Ms. Du Han, Founder and CEO of Comper Healthcare have a wide range of products and assist the customers in five stages- to get pregnant, pregnancy, post-pregnancy, kids aged under five, girls and boys. Currently, the company has obtained the license to sell products domestically fromChina Food and Drug Administration.  The company is planning to launch both online and offline sales in October.


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